Please fill out the inquiry form, and a member of our Admissions team will contact you with a variety of ways for your family to get to know our school, curriculum, and mission.
Weber has helped me focus on and excel in the subjects I love most; for example, I was able to take additional math courses over the summer to work on above level math that I find interesting. When I needed to switch out of a class, the dean was very responsive to my emails and understanding of my concerns. When I would like to meet with a teacher to go over a test, study, or talk about a lesson, it is very easy to find time to meet with them and get the help I need.
Weber teachers are very good at explaining things to me if I need extra help and do not judge me if I need something explained differently or more than once.
I love the close-knit community between Weber teachers and students and between the students with each other. We have so many traditions that are unique to Weber.
Weber has given me the best education and a connection to my Jewish identity. I can reach my full potential with the fantastic opportunities available to me.
When it comes to Weber, so many positive thoughts fill my head! The community and teachers are so welcoming. I love how much the teachers care about everyone's work ethic and grades and try their best to instill a passion for learning new things.
I love that my teachers always have an open door and are willing to meet with students to benefit their education. I love that my Jewish identity is enhanced by the interactive, interesting classes offered at Weber. I love that I can be confident and be myself around my peers and teachers because of the welcoming community. I love that my voice is heard.
At Weber, when you walk through the halls, you see different people in different grades hanging out with each other. The teachers also put in great effort to make connections with their students. Every teacher I've had has regularly checked in with each student in their class! Though they teach many different classes, Weber teachers always make time for their students.
I love the amount of care and effort the teachers put into teaching and making sure we are comfortable in our learning environment while helping us to be successful. Weber provides such a comfortable place to learn and grow -- not only as students but in preparing for our future.
I love the tremendous amount of drive and determination in the athletics program.
What I love about Weber is the community. Everybody has a common goal -- becoming more invested members of the Jewish community.
One thing I love about Weber is the strong bond between my teachers and me! They all put a lot of effort into building a relationship with their students.
I love that Weber is such a tight community and so accepting of everyone. I have truly found my best friends and Weber, and I am forever grateful for this amazing school.
I love how the teachers at Weber genuinely do care and do everything they can to help students succeed.
I love the one-on-one with my teachers and how they care about making every student better. Weber is a fun and safe environment where I can thrive.
I love that we can play any sport that we want!
Weber has helped me come out of my shell and be proud of my Jewish identity.
I love Weber because it is the perfect school to expand my academic knowledge while staying connected to Judaism, Jewish culture, and Israel.
Weber teachers are willing to listen, engage, and work with you inside and outside the classroom. There are so many opportunities, academically, socially, and athletically. Everyone is willing to talk and listen.
The Weber School, a Jewish Community high school serving students from all Jewish backgrounds, prepares students for success in college and in life with comprehensive academic and co-curricular programs that inspire student exploration, leadership, and Jewish social consciousness. Many of our programs and academies are unique to Weber and can't be found at any other Atlanta-area high schools.
The Felicia Penzell Weber Jewish Community High School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.