• October

    Kol Hakavod: Levi Gordon!

    Kol Hakavod to the many Weber students whose direct action and organized efforts provided essential relief to the victims of Hurricane Helene. Weber senior Levi Gordon, alongside Riverwood student Nate Skor, airlifted nearly 250 pounds of supplies from Winston-Salem, NC, to Rutherford County, NC, making two trips to deliver much-needed necessities. Additionally, Weber's Student Council, under the guidance of Director of Student Programming and Leadership Michelle Geppert, organized a collection drive, gathering socks, blankets, and gently worn shoes to further support those in need.
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  • Visiting Artist Series: Michelle Malone

    As part of this year’s Visiting Artist Series, Weber Music Program Director Drew Cohen and Music Teacher Michael Levine recently welcomed acclaimed musician Michelle Malone to The Weber School, providing students the invaluable opportunity to learn and collaborate with a professional artist.
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  • Chag Sukkot Sameach!

    As we transition from the reflective spirit of Yom Kippur to the happiness and togetherness that define Sukkot, Weber students have been busy preparing for this joyous holiday. During Enrichment, students and our ShinShinim came together to create beautiful Sukkah decorations, including handmade paper lanterns and heartfelt messages of love and hope.
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  • October 7th Reflection

    This week, the Weber School community gathered for a powerful and deeply reflective Kehillah to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the October 7 tragedy in Israel. 
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  • A message for 5785 from Rabbi Ed Harwitz, Head of School

    A message for 5785 from Rabbi Ed Harwitz, Head of School

    As we approach Rosh Hashanah, a time for reflection and renewal, we look forward to 5785 with anticipation for the new opportunities for learning and building community at The Weber School.
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  • October 7th Commemoration at Weber

    This week, Weber’s Jewish Studies classes visited a special art exhibit in the Tzadik Performing Arts Center, commemorating the tragic events of October 7, 2023. 
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  • September

    Guest Choreographer: Erin Knowles

    Weber Theatre students recently welcomed Erin Knowles as the guest choreographer for Pippin at The Weber School!
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  • Sophomore Service & Leadership

    Weber sophomores returned from their memorable grade-level trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee, this week. While class-related excursions are a regular part of Weber student life, these grade-level overnight trips offer something deeper: the opportunity to explore cultural and historical sites while fostering community building, personal responsibility, and collaboration.
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  • Kol HaKavod, Rebecca McCullough!

    Kol HaKavod to Weber’s Director of Creative Services Rebecca McCullough on her acceptance into the newest cohort of the Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta’s (JWFA) Agents of Change Training (ACT) program.
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  • Welcome, Shinshinim!

    A big Weber welcome to Noga, Dana, and Amit, our 2024-2025 Shinshinim! These energetic and engaging Israeli teens are spending their gap year between high school and the Israeli army, sharing their love for Israeli life, culture, and ruach (spirit) with our school community.
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  • AP Psych Project

    Elizabeth Behar-Powell’s AP Psychology students recently created neurotransmitter trading cards, combining creativity with an in-depth understanding of complex psychological concepts. 
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  • Freshmen Retreat

    The Freshmen Retreat—a hallmark of the Weber School experience—provides our students the first opportunity to come together as a class, build meaningful relationships, and develop important collaboration and problem-solving skills. 
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  • Kol Hakavod, Gabby Lyon!

    Kol Hakavod to Sports Science and Management Academy teacher Gabby Lyon, who recently had her high school basketball jersey retired at Science Hill High School in Johnson City, TN. Gabby's jersey now hangs alongside fellow Science Hill alum and legendary coach, Steve Spurrier.
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  • The Weber School celebrates its AP Capstone Diploma recipients!

    The Weber School is proud to announce the recipients of the AP Capstone Diploma™ and AP Seminar and Research Certificate™ for the 2023-2024 academic year. These students successfully completed a challenging, multi-year program that emphasizes critical thinking, collaboration, and research skills—an achievement highly regarded by colleges and universities worldwide.
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  • Community Reflections

    This week, the Weber School community gathered for a special Tekes (ceremony) in the Tzadik Performing Arts Center to honor the memories of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Eden Yerushalmi, Carmel Gat, Almog Sarusi, Alexander Lobanov, and Ori Danino z”l. These six innocent lives, held hostage in Gaza for 329 days since October 7, 2023, were tragically found murdered this past weekend. Their loss has reverberated throughout Israel and the global Jewish community, touching the hearts of many, including members of our own Weber family.
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  • Weber Athletics Achievement!

    We’re thrilled to announce that The Weber School has been selected to host the 2025-2026 A Division 1 Region 5 Basketball Tournament, marking a historic moment for our athletics program. This will be the first time Weber has hosted a region tournament in any sport!
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  • August

    Guest Speaker: Noa Fay

    The Weber School was honored to welcome Noa Fay, a recent Columbia University graduate and proud Jewish and Zionist advocate, as the guest speaker for the kickoff event of this year’s Michael Kay Israel Leadership Fellows (MKILF) program. 
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  • Kol Hakavod, Mrs. Geppert!

    Kol Hakavod to Michelle Geppert, Director of Student Programming and Leadership, for her selection as a National Association of Student Councils (NASC) Adviser Group member! 
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  • New at Weber: Theatre Programming!

    Weber is thrilled to introduce Elissa Marele, the new Artistic Director of Theatrical Education & Community Programming at The Weber School! With over two decades of experience in theatre education and direction, Elissa brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to our growing theatre program.
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  • Faculty Spotlight: Melissa Drish

    We are excited to spotlight Coach Melissa Drish, the Dean of the Sports Science and Management Academy (SSMA) and Associate Athletic Director at The Weber School. 
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  • Michael Kay Israel Leadership Fellows - Year 2

    Weber School is proud to announce the launch of the second year of the Michael Kay Israel Leadership Fellows (MKILF) program, a co-curricular Honors Diploma distinction designed to inspire student leadership in service of Israel and the Jewish people. 
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  • First Day of School Excitement!

    Monday marked a monumental beginning to the school year with our inaugural “Back To Weber” Kehillah held in the brand-new, state-of-the-art Eitan Force Athletic Complex (EFAC). The excitement was palpable as students, faculty, and staff filled the impressive new space, ready to kick off the year with enthusiasm and anticipation.
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  • Tisha B'Av Reflections

    Weber students and faculty gathered for a meaningful Tisha B’Av reflection and learning session in the new Cohen-Kogen Beit Midrash. After discussing the holiday’s significance in the Jewish calendar, the group studied a Mishnah, exploring its teachings and their relevance to our current experiences. 
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  • New Student Orientation

    Under the leadership of Rosie Grinzaid, Weber's Associate Director of Student Social and Emotional Support, along with the mentorship of our dedicated Peer Leaders, New Student Orientation provided newcomers with a two-day immersion into Weber life. 
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  • May

    Night Ball 2024

    Our Night Ball event was an exciting and important moment for The Weber School and the Atlanta Jewish community. The energy from all of our fans was palpable, as students, parents, grandparents, teachers, and friends from across our community cheered on our Weber Rams and basked in the bright lights of our beautiful new Marks and Kopman fields. Your energy turned our “field of dreams” into a reality!
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  • Kol Hakavod: Uri Pearl, Class of 2011

    Kol Hakavod to Weber alum Uri Pearl (Class of 2011) for his recent feature with Cyber News! Uri is the Co-Founder of Catch, a cyber scam protection software. 📱💻

    When asked to reflect on his Weber experience, Uri explains: "Weber is where I learned how to learn. Weber instilled the growth mindset in me and provided me with the ability and confidence to learn anything I needed to at any time. That ability and confidence is the foundation for who I am today."
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  • Celebrating the Yoms

    After the establishment of the State of Israel, Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day), and Yom HaAtzmaut (Independence Day) were added to the Jewish calendar and observed as national holidays in Israel. At Weber, we honor these significant days with heartfelt ceremonies and activities that reflect their importance and impact.
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  • Congratulations to our Spring Sport All-Region Athletes!

    Congratulations to our Spring Sport All-Region Athletes!
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  • Kol Hakavod to Solomon Raggs!

    Kol Hakavod to Solomon Raggs on his 3rd place Discus and 7th place Shot Put finish at the GHSA State Track and Field Championships! Solomon is Weber’s first male Track and Field athlete to medal at State since Weber joined GHSA! We are so proud of your record-breaking season and can’t wait to see you collect more hardware next year!
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  • Historic Baseball Season

    The Rams Baseball team had an incredible season, marking a milestone in the program's history. The team's thrilling journey through the GHSA State Tournament featured several unforgettable moments, including their first qualification since joining GHSA in 2016. After securing their spot in the playoffs with a nail-biting comeback against Mt. Pisgah, the Rams made an inspiring run that saw them advance to the Elite 8.
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  • Kol HaKavod to Harry Kitey!

    It's official! Mazal Tov to Harry Kitey and his family on Harry’s commitment to play basketball at Emory University next year! We're immensely proud of Harry's achievements and his dedication to excellence on and off the court.
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  • Visiting Artist Series: Howard Levy 4

    This past Sunday, The Weber School welcomed the incredible Howard Levy 4, a dynamic band featuring Grammy-winning harmonica master, pianist, and composer Howard Levy, alongside guitarist Chris Siebold, bassist Joshua Ramos, and drummer Luiz Ewerling. Their performance showcased a captivating blend of jazz, Latin, world music, and blues that brought the audience to their feet. The next day, these talented musicians returned to share their expertise in a workshop with students from across Weber’s Music Program.
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  • Yom HaShoah Commemoration

    This week, The Weber School came together to commemorate Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), a solemn day dedicated to honoring the memories of the six million Jewish men, women, and children who perished in the Holocaust.
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  • Celebrating the Class of 2024!

    The Weber School celebrated seniors and their hard work with special Senior Spirit Week activities, including the annual Senior Siyum and Senior Breakfast. Thank you to The Weber Parents Group for hosting fun celebratory activities for the Class of 2024, including ice cream and nacho bars, the annual Trivia Bowl, and lawn games.
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  • April

    Kol Hakavod to the Track and Field Team!

    In last week’s Track and Field meet at Mount Pisgah, our Weber Rams showed incredible determination and skill, setting numerous personal and school records. Marisa Ragghianti led the girls' team with a new school record in the 800-meter run, clocking in at 2:47:20. Dori Kossman achieved personal records in both the 100M and 200M races.
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  • Moot Beit Din Shabbaton

    Weber School students recently participated in the prestigious Maimonides Moot Court Competition held in Sleepy Hollow, NY. The competition, powered by the Hadar Institute and supported by the Maimonides Fund, challenges students to explore contemporary ethical questions using Jewish legal wisdom. 
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  • Kol Hakavod: Dr. Rothstein

    Kol HaKavod to Dr. Rachel Rothstein, who has been accepted into the prestigious Curriculum Development Project: On Ukraine, hosted by Harvard University's Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies and the Lviv Center for Urban History. This program is an exceptional opportunity for educators to create innovative and impactful curriculum resources for themselves and other educators that enhance the understanding of Ukraine's history, culture, and current affairs. Dr. Rothstein looks forward to incorporating the resources she will create into the Modern Jewish History curriculum.
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  • Stories of Resilience

    In the wake of the the attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7th, The Weber School has enhanced its ongoing relationship with Israel and Israelis by hosting guest speakers and teachers from Israel who share their personal experiences and insights during these particularly challenging times. During the past week, Weber was honored to welcome guests representing different elements of Israeli society.
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  • Teacher Appreciation Week

    Kol Hakavod to the Weber Parents Group for orchestrating a fantastic week of events to celebrate our faculty and staff. Our teachers are the heart of Weber, inspiring and guiding our students every day with their passion, knowledge, and commitment, and WPG’s thoughtfulness in planning this week’s activities underscores our faculty’s unwavering dedication to Weber’s growth and success.
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  • Kol Hakavod: Jolie Seir

    Kol HaKavod to alumna Jolie Seir (Class of 2018), who was recently honored with the prestigious Global Marketing Rookie of the Year award by IHG Hotels & Resorts. This accolade is a testament to Jolie's outstanding performance and her ability to raise the bar within her first year at the company.
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  • Purimpalooza 5784!

    Purimpalooza 5784 was a week to remember at The Weber School! Jews worldwide celebrated the fun-filled holiday of Purim, and our Student Council prepared a week of activities for students, faculty, and staff to celebrate the holiday and fulfill the Mitzvot of Purim.
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  • March

    Fields of Dreams!

    The Weber School community came together in a dazzling display of spirit and support at last week’s Night Ball event, a milestone celebration that brought our “Fields of Dreams” to life under the bright lights of the newly illuminated Marks and Kopman fields.
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  • Alumni Spotlight: Max Bittner

    Max Bittner, Class of 2019, recently visited Drew Cohen's music composition class in the Tzadik Performing Arts Center's music studio. Now a senior at Kennesaw State University and a member of the band Blind Jive, Max shared his experiences and aspirations in the music industry with current Weber students.
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  • Weber's Film Program

    The Weber School's Film Program, led by sophomore Noah Berg and guided by Social Studies teacher Dr. Jon Schmitt, is proud to present its latest project: Onstage at Weber. Created by Noah Berg, the documentary film showcases the Tzadik Performing Arts Center and features interviews with the Director of the Theatre Program, Brad Bass, Dance Teacher Kate Fahrner, and Musical Director Carry Tedder. 
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  • "Rambots" Robotics Team's Community Partnership

    The Weber-DZA "Rambots" Robotics Team visited The Davis Academy middle school students as part of an outreach initiative to cultivate partnerships and foster a love for robotics, design, and friendly competition. 
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  • Mock Trial Team Finishes Third!

    Following their triumphant victory as the 2024 Regional Champions, The Weber School Mock Trial team continued to showcase their exceptional skills at the District Competition in Jonesboro, securing a commendable third-place finish. The team's dedication and hard work were evident in their performance, with Kayla Furie and Ethan Wolkin both honored with the "Outstanding Witness" award, and Elliott Furie receiving the "Outstanding Attorney" award not once, but twice.
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  • SSMA Field Trip to Atlanta Gladiators

    Students in Weber’s Sports Science and Management Academy (SSMA) had the opportunity to dive into the world of professional sports with a visit to the Atlanta Gladiators hockey team. 
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  • Honors Chemistry Makes Bath Bombs

    Honors Chemistry students in Dean of Science Nicole Brite's class delved into the science behind bath bombs, applying concepts of acid-base reactions they have been studying. The process involves a reaction between baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), citric acid, and cornstarch. When combined with water, these ingredients react to form new compounds, including carbon dioxide gas, which creates the effervescent bubbles characteristic of bath bombs.
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  • Visiting Artist Series: Oran Etkin

    Weber continues to be a hub for bringing renowned musicians to share their expertise with students with its latest guest in its Visiting Artist Series, Oran Etkin. Etkin, an acclaimed musician known for his eclectic blend of influences, was born in Israel and influenced by New Orleans jazz, West African rhythms, Brazilian melodies, and Jewish traditions. His diverse musical background provided a deep learning experience for our students as he shared insights into his improvisational approach to music and his journey as a musician.
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  • February

    Kol Hakavod, Michael Kay Israel Leadership Fellows

    Weber’s dedication to a rigorous and sophisticated approach to Zionism and Israel education shone through during this week's Michael Kay Israel Leadership Fellows (MKILF) second retreat of the year.
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  • Kol Hakavod, Tennis Rams!

    Kol Hakavod to Weber Rams Tennis for their fantastic start to the season! Both the boys and girls teams are showcasing their dominance with impressive 4-1 records. Jesse Kaiser and Abram Blecker are leading the boys' team with undefeated records, while Ava Peck and Sophie Simonoff have a combined 7-1 record in singles play for the girls. The dynamic doubles duo, Ava Halpert and Molly Marcus, are proving unstoppable once again with a perfect 4-0 record. Keep up the great work, Rams!
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  • Songleader Boot Camp in St. Louis

    Weber's Music Program continues to provide unparalleled student experiences with its recent trip to St. Louis for the 15th annual Songleader Boot Camp (SLBC). Music Program Director Drew Cohen and Music Teacher Michael Levine accompanied Jaren Wolff, Beny Leibowitz, and Ezra Heller to this premier Jewish music gathering, which attracts around 450 participants and features an all-star cast of musicians and teachers.
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  • Kol Hakavod to Amishai Weismark!

    Kol Hakavod to powerhouse wrestler Amishai Weismark, clinching 5th in the 120 lb weight class showdown at Sectionals! Securing a coveted spot at the State Tournament in Macon, he's ready to bring the gold back to Weber! Let’s go, Ami!
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  • Kol Hakavod to Harry Kitey!

    Kol HaKavod to Harry Kitey for his outstanding achievements in basketball! His dedication and skill have earned him a spot on the 6-1A D1 All-Region Boys Basketball Team and a place in Weber's elite 1,000-point club. As he prepares to continue his academic and athletic journey at Emory University next year, we celebrate his remarkable contributions to the Weber basketball team over the past four years. Congratulations, Harry!
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  • Michael and Andrea Leven Office of Student Service and Philanthropy

    The Weber School proudly celebrated the official opening of The Michael and Andrea Leven Office of Student Service and Philanthropy with a meeting between Mr. Mike Leven and the Student Governing Board.
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  • Hamilton Choreographers Visit the Tzadik PAC

    This week, thanks to Weber Theatre Director Brad Bass, students and faculty had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn directly from Hamilton musical tour members
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  • David Moss Artist Workshop

    The Weber School was honored to host renowned artist David Moss for a two-day workshop with students in the Torah, Toolkits, and Power Tools class. This visit, facilitated by Linda Parmet, Hebrew Content Dean and Director of Hebrew Curriculum and Interdisciplinary Jewish Studies, and Alex McIntyre, Assistant Lab Manager & Lab Instructor at the Daniel Zalik Academy, continues the school's enriching partnership with Moss, a collaboration that brings an #OnlyAtWeber blend of textual study and visual art to our students, enriching their connection to Judaism and Jewish texts.
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  • Kol Hakavod: Mock Trial 2024 Regional Champions

    Kol Hakavod to our Mock Trial 2024 Regional Champions, placing 1st overall in a highly competitive region!
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  • 9th Grade Shakespeare Workshop

    The Weber School's 9th-grade class recently experienced Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet in a dynamic and immersive manner, thanks to a collaboration between the English department and The Atlanta Shakespeare Company (ASC). Organized by English teacher Vanessa Reid, with support from colleagues Holly Chesser, Dean of English, and Missy Davis, this event brought the timeless story of star-crossed lovers to life, engaging students beyond the traditional classroom setting.
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  • Kol Hakavod: Rams Against Cancer

    Kol HaKavod to sophomores Jillian Smith and Marion Kogon, campaign leaders for Teen Rams Against Cancer, a group formed by Weber students to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's fight against blood cancer! Their passionate campaign and efforts have not only raised awareness but also fostered a strong sense of community and action. For a closer look at their inspiring journey and the impact they’re making, check out the full story in The Atlanta Jewish Times here.
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  • Kol Hakavod: Rams Wrestling!

    Kol HaKavod to the Weber Wrestling Rams for their outstanding performance at the King's Ridge Invitational Tournament. Every single wrestler medaled in their weight class, and the team won 2nd place overall! The individual area tournament at Mt. Pisgah is next for the team. Go Rams!
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  • January

    Tzadik Performing Arts Center's First Community Event

    The Tzadik Performing Arts Center at The Weber School showcased its versatility to support and advance performing arts programming for Weber students and the Jewish community through two recent events: a master class artist workshop and the “Across the Pond International Guitar Festival.”
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  • Curling Field Trip

    In a culmination of the semester’s studies, students in Adna Muliawan's physics class ventured outside the classroom for an exciting and educational field trip focused on the sport of curling. 
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Back 2024
The Weber School, a Jewish Community high school serving students from all Jewish backgrounds, prepares students for success in college and in life with comprehensive academic and co-curricular programs that inspire student exploration, leadership, and Jewish social consciousness. Many of our programs and academies are unique to Weber and can't be found at any other Atlanta-area high schools.

The Felicia Penzell Weber Jewish Community High School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.
©2020 The Weber School All Rights Reserved