
2022-2023 Annual Report

List of 1 items.

  • Michael Karlin, President, The Weber School Board of Trustees

    Dear Weber Community:

    I am honored and humbled to begin my second term as the President of The Weber School’s Board of Trustees. Weber has grown, and continues to grow, tremendously since I left office over four years ago. The school is bursting at the seams with students, and new facilities are being constructed all over campus to support this growth. During the 2021-2022 school year, we were fortunate to receive the $19 million grant from the Zalik Foundation and have leveraged that into an additional $10 million of grants from the Weber family and the Marcus Foundation and close to $5 million from our community during the 2022-2023 school year. We are incredibly grateful for this support.

    This is all wonderful news because Weber has never been as important as it is now for the Jewish community and the world. In his recent article, “How America Got Mean,” published in the Atlantic, David Brooks considers why “Americans have become sad and alienated and rude.” He concludes it is chiefly because we have lost institutions that train kindness, compassion, self-restraint, and what it means to be a part of something bigger and more important than oneself. In short, he concludes, “We live in a society that’s terrible at moral formation.” This is a tragedy with repressions evident in society. Still, as a private Jewish high school, Weber can participate proudly and overtly in the moral development of our students in partnership with parents and faculty. We provide not only an excellent education but also moral formation. Weber students will be moral leaders of any community they find themselves in, whether Jewish, business, legal, medical, education, or any other community. The skills they learn at Weber are as much about what they do as who they are. 
    On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am proud to report that we have accomplished a great deal in the past year to help The Weber School continue to achieve these lofty goals. In addition to the capital grants discussed above, we raised a record amount of money for our annual Weber Fund and the ALEF Fund in the past year. We raised $606,976 for The Weber Fund, which fills the critical gap between tuition and the cost of providing a twenty-first century Jewish education. We raised $1,067,622 for the ALEF Fund, which provides much-needed tuition assistance dollars. Special thanks for these accomplishments go to Brian Mand, VP of Development, Shelley Gordon and Ben Nadler, Co-Chairs of the Weber Fund, and Jennifer Korach, the Excellence Fund Campaign Chair.

    I want to conclude by adding my gratitude for the incredible professional and lay leadership I have the privilege of working with every day. In particular, I want to recognize the remarkable talent, passion, and commitment of the Board of Trustees. They ensure Weber continues to have the resources and guidance the school needs to accomplish its mission. I look forward to serving alongside them for the next year as we continue our work together. 


    Michael Karlin

List of 1 items.

  • Rabbi Ed Harwitz, Head of School

    Dear Weber School Community,

    As I reflect on the past year at The Weber School, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and anticipation for the journey ahead. The Talmud teaching, “Education only exists when there is innovation,” resonates profoundly as I recount the milestones achieved this past year and the seeds planted for an inspiring future for The Weber School and our broader Jewish community.

    Academic and Student Leadership Initiatives
    The introduction of the academically prestigious AP Capstone Program set a new benchmark in fostering a culture of inquiry and critical thinking. Our Honors Distinction now extends across The Daniel Zalik Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Design, Sports Science and Management Academy, and Global Leadership, fostering our students' comprehensive development and leadership skills.

    The Daniel Zalik Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Design
    Our MIT-inspired fab lab continues to serve as a vibrant hub of human-centered design and innovation, acting as a communal resource that significantly enriches and interweaves with our broader curriculum, fostering a culture of interdisciplinary exploration and application."
    Introducing Physics First and tailored curricular tracks empowers our students to delve deeper into their areas of interest.

    Music and Performing Arts
    We are immensely grateful for the transformative grant from The Zalik Foundation, which has propelled the final construction of the state-of-the-art Tzadik Performing Arts Center (TPAC). This generous investment has not only enriched our curriculum and programming but also expanded our facilities, marking the first significant expansion since our move to the current location in Sandy Springs. The PAC, with its fully outfitted theater and rehearsal spaces, is poised to become a hub for theatrical and music performances, dance, technical design, and production and a valuable resource for the Atlanta Jewish community.

    Eitan Force Athletic Complex
    We broke ground for the premier Eitan Force Athletic Complex, a milestone made possible by a generous grant from The Marcus Foundation. This grant is a tribute to the cherished memory of Eitan Force z”l, Class of 2023. The new Athletic Complex is a monumental step towards enhancing our athletic and community engagement capabilities. Slated for completion by the fall of 2024, the complex will feature a competition gymnasium, state-of-the-art facilities, new locker rooms, and a variety of classroom and multipurpose spaces. Our new Athletic Complex will accommodate our rapidly increasing enrollment with expanded dining and multi-purpose facilities and allow Weber to host regional competitions and large-scale community events.

    Weber’s continued growth, driven by the expansion of Only At Weber courses and programs designed by our expert faculty and staff, is made possible by the confidence and generosity of our community investors. We deeply appreciate the Zalik Foundation, the Marcus Foundation, Joe Weber, and so many members of our broader community who have invested in The Weber School, The Excellence Fund campaign, and The Weber Fund. 

    The strides we have made this year are a testament to the collective effort of our students, faculty, parents, and benefactors. Your unwavering support and investment have been the cornerstone of our success, enabling us to provide a fertile ground for our students to learn, cultivate, and demonstrate their leadership. 

    As we look forward to the 2023-2024 academic year, I am filled with gratitude and excitement for the possibilities that lie ahead. 

    With best wishes and much appreciation,

    Rabbi Ed Harwitz

2022-2023 Report of Private Giving

Giving Category Total Giving
Unrestricted $606,796
Temporarily Restricted $423,717
Permanently Restricted $384,166
ALEF Fund $1,067,622
Total Gifts $2,482,301
The Weber School Endowment Market Values  
The Carol Nemo Endowed Tuition Assistance Fund $267,373 
The Edward Silver Endowed Memorial Tribute Fund $74,549 
The Friedman Family Endowment to Support the Entrepreneurship Program $72,936 
The Friends of Felicia Weber Endowed Unrestricted Fund $185,750 
The Joseph Soriano Endowment $1,297,149 

Temporarily Restricted Giving

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  • Temporarily Restricted Giving

    Amy and Robert Arogeti
    Stanley M. Lefco
    Sara and Seth Force
    The Marcus Foundation, Inc.
    Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta
    Carol and Robert Nemo
    Stanley M. Lefco
    Stanley M. Lefco
    Stanley M. Lefco
    The Zalik Foundation

Weber Fund Contributors as of July 31, 2022

List of 8 items.

  • Leaders

    Amy and Robert Arogeti
    Ronit Walker and Matt Bronfman
    Ann and Jay Davis
    Margo and Doug Diamond
    Robin and Darrin Friedrich
    Lynn and Brian Gordon
    Dara and Andy Grant
    Sally and Philip Kaplan
    Ann and Michael Karlin
    Ann Kay
    Rennette and Byron Kopman
    Jennifer and Randy Korach
    Nancy and Mark Nelkin
    Jessica and Christopher Oberkfell
    Carolyn Oppenheimer
    Chad Rosenberg
    Dulcy and Jerry Rosenberg
    Louise and Edwin Rothberg
    Tonia Sellers and Seth Weissman
    Kerri and Jeffrey Snow
    Jeffrey Stein
    Rachel and Garrett Van de Grift
    Allan Zachariah
    Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation
    The Zalik Foundation
    The Cohen-Kogon Charitable Fund, Inc
    Selig Foundation, Inc.
    The ARGO Family Fund
    The Zaban Foundation, Inc.
  • Pillars

    Sari and Randy Alifeld
    Brad Berman
    Gita and Steve Berman
    Rashelle and Jeremy Berry
    Lily and Robert Bock
    Thea and Gavin Cohen
    Justine and Andre Cohen
    Felissa and Josh Covin
    Dressler's Funeral Care
    Stacey and David Fisher
    Jessica and Eric Fisher
    Sally and Paul Ginburg
    Anat and Brian Granath
    Sandi and Scott Greenfield
    Rabbi Edward Harwitz
    Etta Raye Hirsch
    Stacey and Trevor Horwitz
    Lori Kagan Schwarz and Herman Schwarz
    Janis and Harold Kirtz
    Eydie and Steve Koonin
    Kimberly and Richard Kopelman
    Mark Kopkin
    Debbie and Doug Kuniansky
    Natasha and Errol Lebowitz
    Vanessa and Adam Leibowitz
    Ann Levin
    Betsy and Michael Levy
    Leslie and Aaron Lipson
    Cheryl and Michael Lipton
    Tamara and Brian Mand
    Charlotte and Joel Marks
    Alli and Billy Medof
    Julie and Dan Moradi
    Leslie and Ted Moradi
    Jennifer and Jason Parker
    Eileen and David Price
    Judy and Shai Robkin
    Susann and Michael Shenk
    Anne and Paul Silver
    Judy and Gary Stolovitz
    Lisa and Evan Toporek
    Allyson and Samuel Tuck
    Leslie and Fred Wachter
    Sheri and Ronald Weiner
    Hylda Wilson
    The  Halpern-Oppenheimer Family Foundation, Inc.
  • Benefactors

    Michael Axelrod
    Caryn and Jonathan Berzack
    Brenda and Geoffrey Deckelbaum
    Anne and Jeff Denneen
    Vanessa and Isaac Frank
    Lois and Laurence Frank
    Julia and Todd Galanti
    Jack Greene
    Carey and Jason Guggenheim
    Wendy and Rabbi Joshua Heller
    Deborah and Louis Jacobs
    Betty and Louis Kalish
    Sharon Neulinger and Richard Kaplan
    Hope and Craig Kaufman
    Sara and Ross Kogon
    Debbie and David Kurzweil
    Brandi and Saul Levy
    Andrea and Andy Lipman
    Sherry and Steven Marks
    Claire and Donald Marks
    Carrie and Michael Marx
    Kathleen and Paul Neitzel
    Carol and Robert Nemo
    Pam and Raoul Nowitz
    Daniella and Serge Ouanounou
    Ellen Arnovitz and Michael Plasker
    Elana and Anthony Ress
    Karen and Craig Senft
    Suzanne and Donald Silverman
    Tamar and Mark Stern
    Shlaina Van Dyke
    Heather Weiner and Kevin Berman
    Sheila and Merrill Wynne
    Birnbrey, Minsk, Minsk & Perling LLC
  • Sustainers

    Cindy and Gil Burstiner
    Sara and Robert Franco
    Lisa Galanti and Hal Rabinowitz
    Michelle and Charlie Kauss
    Tracy and Brian Seitz
    Nancy and Wayne Freedman
    Florie and Daniel Glusman
    Marcie and Barry Koffler
    Simone and Kevin Levingston
    Stephen Oppenheimer
    Amy and Brent Wolkin
    Jeanette and Nathan Tieman
    Julie Blase
    Deedee and Marc (z"l) Hamburger
    Heather and Devon Rifkin
    Andrea and Neill Videlefsky
    Marcia and Michael Schwarz
    Celia and Murray Solomon
    Cheryl Hecht and Leonard Thurschwell
    Nancy and Brad Cherson
    Ellen Goldstein
    Jimmy and Kira Baron
    Erin and Lance Chernow
    Gail and Bruce Duner
    Marjorie and Andrew Gelernter
    Irvin Grossman
    Jason and Lorra Kurtz
    Lindsay and Darryl Lewis
    Lisa and Brad May
    Michelle and Jon Mittleman
    Nadine Becker and Daniel Shapiro
    Caryn Hanrahan and Andy Siegel
    Michael and Brigette Ulin
    Chuck Wolf
    Murray Goldman
    Ann and Marvin Goldstein
    Robert Force
    Linda and Kerry Landis
    Charles Lipman
    Gail and Hilton Nowitz
    Mary Seitz
    The Coca-Cola Foundation
    Melissa and Ira Blecker
  • Patrons

    Galit and Michael Allemeier
    Lillie Axelrod
    Louise Short and Joel Axler
    Dina Fuchs and Todd Beresin
    Peter Berg and Karen Kerness
    Cathy and Mark Berman
    Lilach and Dror Bezalel
    Dikla Birnbaum
    Nicole Brite
    Shirley and Stanley Cohen
    Miriam Seidband Cole and Stephen Cole
    Jennifer and Tim Collins
    Andrew and Erica Cozewith
    Amy and Jonathan Deutsch
    Jill and Ivan Diamond
    Stephanie and Marc Effron
    Rachael and Simon Engler
    Michelle Epstein
    Arlene and Stanley Ferman
    Elissa and Jordan Fladell
    Celia and Donald Gilner
    Jodi and Jonathan Ginsberg
    Robyn and Steven Gold
    Ed Goldberg
    Alice Goldfarb
    Lynn and Ron Goldman
    Irving and Adele Greenspon
    Heike Greenspon
    Debra and Harold Halpern
    Brenda Gruss and Daniel Hirsch
    Lisa and David Jacobson
    Rhalda Kahn
    Ann and Theodore Kaplan
    Suzanne Krause-Keil and Dave Keil
    Berna and Noah Levine
    Melanie and Brian Mailman
    Karen Malter
    Robin and Phillip (z"l) Medintz
    Audrey and Samuel Meline
    Shelley Milakofsky
    Mike Nance
    Ellen and Jeffrey Nemhauser
    Hilly Panovka
    Jill and Joshua Ratner
    Zippi and Paul Reisman
    Ethel and Bob Reznik
    Robin and Bert Rosenthal
    Carol and Joseph Rubin
    Rhonda and David Rusnak
    Rona and Barry Seidel
    Betty Seitz
    Janet and Michael Seligson
    Cheryl and Stan Shapiro
    Sandi and Cary Sherman
    Tobyanne and Arnold Sidman
    Elaine Silver and Dave Levine
    Ellen and Philip Spandorfer
    Karen and Corey Stern
    Dawn and Eric Tresh
    Renee and Searle Videlefsky
    Amanda and Danny Westheimer
    Ed Wexler
    Barbara and Frank Wilensky
    Julie-Anne and Jeremy Wohlberg
    Stacy and Jeff Wolff
    Elana and Matthew Yoels
    Voya Financial
  • Supporters

    Adam Shapiro
    Rise Arkin
    Dana and Lawrence Freiman
    Jodi Fleisig amd Moti Gabay
    Sandra and Bob London
    Barbara and Mark Murovitz
    Ila Galanti
    Amy Tobin
    Stephanie Hoffman
    Orly Klein
    Tracie and Michael Bernstein
    Celia Chase
    Lauri and Alan Cohen
    Karen and Michael Himmelstein
    Michal Ilai
    Caryn Lobel and Stephen Kagan
    Susan and Michael La Kier
    Jeffrey and Julie Leavitt
    Diane Lechter
    Denise and Neal Miller
    Raina and Benjamin Nadler
    Leigh and Mathew Nathan
    Julie and Rabbi Steven Rau
    Andrea and Howie Slomka
    Lori and Matt Spett
    Sally Murphy
    Jeannine and Aaron Altmann
    Cecile Bock
    Lynne and Edward Canter
    Shelly and Martin Mand
    Ellen and Todd Cohen
    Allison and Jonathan Dubovsky
    Shari and Eric Magnus
    Tracy and Bradley Reznik
    Liron and Moshe Shantzer
  • Friends

    Rabbi Ruth and David Abusch-Magder
    Solomon and Arline Agin
    Mhammed Ait Elmoudden
    Sheri Arotchas
    William Ashby
    Anthony Baker
    Lainie and Marc Bardack
    Judith Barkan
    Daniel Bayless
    Linda and Bruce Beeber
    Keren and Yossi Ben-Haim
    Meredith and David Berger
    Ayelet Berger
    Aviva and Ezra Berman
    Shira and Eli Franco
    Elsa Bilton
    Mindy and Warren Binderman
    Diane and Barry Blondheim
    Shirley and Perry Brickman
    Dara and Jason Brody
    Sara and Alex Burmenko
    Phyllis and Neal Busch
    Nikki Canter
    Catherine Chapman
    Chris Chapman
    Hannah Chapple
    Stephen Chase
    Holly Chesser
    Riley Clark
    Susan and Neil Cohen
    Sheila and Mark Cohen
    Drew Cohen
    Pamela Cohen
    Haila Cohen
    Danielle and Jason Cohen
    Pamela and Jonathon Cohen
    Pablo Colombini
    Jordan Crawford
    Julie Crow
    Robert Dale
    Wendy and Gary Dichtenberg
    Jessica and Matthew Dickson
    Josh Dinerman
    Jessica Doble
    Melissa Drish
    Gail and Mark Dryburgh
    Denise Edelstein
    Toby and David Fagin
    Edward Feldstein
    Beverly Fermon
    Amanda and Howard Fish
    Marianne and Alan Fixelle
    Jordan Forman
    Wendy and Joel Fox
    Beth and Jared Friedman
    Eric Furie
    Janet and Randy Galanti
    Ada Gelb
    Michelle Geppert
    Laurie and Rabbi Brian Glusman
    Jordan Gold
    Helen and Lawrence Goldman
    Laurie and Jay Goldstein
    Melinda Goodwin
    Eleanor Gordon
    Shelley and Marcus Gordon
    Rabbi Pamela and David Gottfried
    Ilene and Adrian Grant
    Iris and Yossi Greber
    Lesli Greenberg
    Karen and Jimmy Grinzaid
    Mara Grosswald
    Jodi and Benjamin Halpert
    Doreen Hartman
    Michelle Heinzmann
    Evan Hibbard
    Gladys Hirsch
    Michelle Horesh
    Michele and Jeffrey Howard
    Tasha Humphrey
    Liliach and Shachar Ilan
    Beth and Craig Intro
    Herb and Elise Jacobs
    Andrea and Lucas Johnston
    Stephanie and Jeff Kashdan
    Stacey and Ari Katz
    Melissa and Rabbi Paul Kerbel
    Avi and Robert Killip
    Danielle Kirkley
    Carole and Sid Kirschner
    Meredith and Alan Kitey
    Joyce Kitey
    Tiffany Klang
    Barbara and William Klineman
    Laura Klingensmith
    David Lakin
    Wendy and Stuart Leaf
    Carrie Leavitt
    Marc Lefkovits
    Brad and Rebecca Levenberg
    Janice and Steven Levetan
    Stacy Levin
    Leslie and Stacey Levine
    Kenneth and Sandra Levy
    Chaya Lieberman
    Debbie Ognibene and Joel Lobel
    Rita and William Loventhal
    Jennifer and Doron Lubinsky
    Arlene and Steven Marcus
    Elise and Maury Margol
    Betty Ann and Hilbert Margol
    Vivian and Burke Margulies
    Robyn and Anthony Marzulllo
    Missy and Darryl Maslia
    Adam Mayer-Deutsch
    Sherry and Harry Maziar
    Rebecca and Michael McCullough
    Alex McIntyre
    Gail and Butch Medwed
    Marla and Eric Medwed
    Rian Meginley
    Ruth and Larry Menter
    Rachel Miller
    Herbie Miller
    Lisa Miner
    Carol and Michael Mittel
    Robert Tourial and Robin Mittleman
    Adna Muliawan
    Ellen Nadler
    Ivan Nathan
    Andrea Neiman and Joel Murovitz
    Cari and Jonathan Newman
    Camisha Oates
    Cherise Ogle
    Elsie and Norman Oppenheimer Krause
    Linda and Marc Parmet
    Dori and Michael Perling
    Anne and Morris Podber
    Rebecca Portman and David Wolf
    Elizabeth Powell
    Linda and Irvin Rabinowitz
    Carol and Steve Raeber
    Annette and Jack Rau
    Sheryl and Michael Rechtman
    Herschel Revzin
    Shirley Rich
    Zachary Rich
    Esty and Daniel Richman
    Olivia Rocamora
    Alyza and Kevin Rodgers
    Nicole Rodriguez
    Amy Rosenberg
    Brooke and Laurence Rosenthal
    Linda Rosh
    Rachel Rothstein
    Sheila and Martin Rotter
    Carrie Runnels
    Jody Goldfarb and Owen Samuels
    Sallie M. Samuels
    Debbie and Meir Sasson
    Maxine and Jonathan Schein
    Jonathan Schmitt
    Harriet Schneiderman
    Rachel and Larry Schonberger
    Amy Secor
    Jill and Rabbi Ronald Segal
    Shelley and Allen Shaw
    Lauren and Jason Sheffield
    Rosemarie Shields
    Lisa and Sheldon Shore
    Marilyn Shubin
    Mona Shuman
    Lauren and Keith Silberman
    Rachelle and Barry Simon
    Amber Singleton
    Corinne Skott
    Jennifer and Miles Slutzky
    Moshe Sokol
    Shari and Jay Steinberg
    Lauren and Hilton Sturisky
    Eduard Livshits and Olga Sutyagina
    Susan and Tim Taylor
    Jan and Terry Tenenbaum
    Sharon and Edwin Toporek
    Lilei Turiansky
    Sari and Daniel Wachtel
    Janet Weismark
    Ortal Wikoff
    Shanna Wilons
    Roslyn Winston
    Rabbi Jeffrey and Judith Wohlberg
    Betsy and Dennis Wolkin
    Judy and Kevin Wolman
    Joe Worthen
    Michelle and Rick Young
    Ellen and Joseph Zarge
    Ellyse and Warren Zindler
    Karen and Dean Zindler
    Adrienne and Ben Zinn
    Christian Zsilavetz
    Merck Partnership For Giving
    Northwestern Mutual Foundation - Matching Gifts Program
    The Blackbaud Giving Fund
  • Gifts In Kind

    Anne and Michael Karlin

List of 1 items.

  • ALEF

    Current as of July 23, 2024

    Kim and Peter Aaron
    Lori Agin
    Ilene and Andrew Albert
    Abraham Alhadeff
    Alten, Inc
    Jeannine and Aaron Altmann
    Cheryl and Philip Ampel
    Kathleen and Jeffrey Amsterdam
    Donna Aranson
    Rise Arkin
    Don Aronin
    Nikki and Michael Aronin
    Nancy and David Aronstein
    Aspire Alliance LLC
    Mandy and Tiran Avdar Rubin
    Michael Axelrod
    Maheleh Azima
    Diane and Richard Babush
    Diana and Richard Bardack
    Kira and James Baron
    Alyssa nad Steven Barton
    Joshua Barzilay
    Marina and Scot Alejandrino-Bay
    Rabbi Judith and Stan Beiner
    Laurence and Henry Benamram
    Deborah and Bruce Benator
    Berman Law LLC
    Heather Weiner and Kevin Berman
    Gita and Steve Berman
    Heleen and Arnold Berry
    Rashelle and Jeremy Berry
    Robyn and Gary Berzack
    Sara and Justin Bier
    Mindy and Warren Binderman
    Elaine and Jerome Blumenthal
    Cecile Bock
    Narissaa and Daniel Bonnet
    Rita and Randy Botnick
    Gayle and Ronald Breakstone
    Susan and Jeffrey Brickman
    Arlene and Harvey Brightman
    Dara and Jason Brody
    Ronit Walker and Matt Bronfman
    Beth and Gavin Brown
    Jessica and Jeffrey Brown
    Robin Canter
    Lori and Paul Carling
    Emmanuel Carrier
    Nicole and Alex Chanson
    Susan and David Chase
    Erin and Lance Chernow
    Pamela and Alan Cohen
    Annie and Maurice Cohen
    Thea and Gavin Cohen
    Pamela and Jonathon Cohen
    Justine and Andre Cohen
    Sheila and Mark Cohen
    Phyllis Cohen
    Terri and Seth Cohen
    Lisa and Sherman Cohen
    Shirley Cohen
    Miriam and Stephen Cole
    Felissa and Joshua Covin
    CR Management Trust
    Sari and Selig Cynman
    Jodi and Kenneth Danis
    Anne and Jeffrey Denneen
    Margo and Douglas Diamond
    Jessica and Matthew Dickson
    Shari Dollinger and Eric Magnus
    Dressler's Funeral Service, LLC
    Sam Dressler
    Allison and Jonathan Dubovsky
    Gail and Bruce Duner
    Jane and Mitchell Durham
    Ashli Breen and Jonathan Eisenstat
    Susan Eisenstein
    Angela and Ralph Ellis
    Rachael and Simon Engler
    Michelle Epstein
    Ceil and Mark Euster
    Seth Euster
    Toby and David Fagin
    Ellen and Howard Feinsand
    Edward Feldstein
    Beth and Jeffrey Feldstein
    Stacey and David Fisher
    Jane and Alan Fishman
    Marianne and Alan Fixelle
    Jodi Fleisig and Mordechai Gabay 
    Sara Marder and Seth Force
    Lori and Jordan Forman
    Wendy and Joel Fox
    Sara and Robert Franco
    Vanessa and Isaac Frank
    Lois and Larry Frank
    Mildred Freeman
    Dana Freiman
    Debbie and George Freisem
    Beth and Jared Friedman
    Lisa and Mark Friedman
    Lynn Friedman
    Elizabeth and Robert Friedman
    Lisa Furie
    Shelley and Bruce Gaynes
    Robin Spizman and Edwin Gerson
    Carly and Bennett Ginburg
    Caroline and Daniel Ginburg
    Jessica and Jonathan Ginburg
    Sally and Paul Ginburg
    Florie and Daniel Glusman
    Robyn and Steven Gold
    Lynn and Ronald Goldman
    Ellen Goldstein
    Eve and Joel Goldstein
    Martin Goldstein
    Bertha and Brian Gordon
    Nancy and Randy Gorod
    Anat and Brian Granath
    Jack Greene
    Emily and Jeffrey Grosoff
    Irvin Grossman
    Carey and Jason Guggenheim
    Sherie and Arthur Gumer
    Heather Gatcombe and David Gutman
    Diane Hamburger
    Sharon Funk and Joshua Hanna
    Tamar and Guy Harari
    Rabbi Edward Harwitz
    Wendy and Rabbi Joshua Heller
    Laura and Douglas Henderson
    Heritage Plaza, LLC
    Etta Raye Hirsch
    Rena and Richard Holland
    Michelle Horesh
    Judith Horowitz
    Lilach and Shachar Ilan
    Beth and Craig Intro
    Sari and David Jacoboff
    Deborah and Louis Jacobs
    Lisa and David Jacobson
    Michelle Jones
    Lori Kagan Schwarz and Herman Schwarz
    Fredericka and Philip Kahn
    Johanna and Craig Kaiser
    Sharon Neulinger and Richard Kaplan
    Sally and Philip Kaplan 
    Carrie and Samuel Kaplan
    Ann and Michael Karlin
    Kristin Herringdine and Lawrence Kasmen
    Shelly and David Katz
    Hope and Craig Kaufman
    Ann Kay
    Marilyn and Leslie Kelman
    Lauren and Bradley Kentor
    Valerie and Randall Kessler
    Janis and Harold Kirtz
    Meredith and Alan Kitey
    Wendy and David Klarman
    Jodi and Mark Kobrinsky
    Marcie and Barry Koffler
    Judy and Martin Kogon
    Laurie and Michael Kogon
    Sara and Ross Kogon
    Stacey and Mitchell Kopelman
    Kimberly and Richard Kopelman
    Mark Kopkin
    Meghan and Todd Koransky
    Cathy and Jeffrey Korotkin
    Jill and Matthew Kossman
    Rosie and Luis Kramarz
    Debbie and Douglas Kuniansky
    Lorra and Jason Kurtz
    Betty and Ronald Kurtz
    Deborah and David Kurzweil
    Sharon and Jacob Kuttner
    Susan and Michael La Kier
    Michelle and Stuart Langer
    Laurie Glusman, Ph.D. PC
    Natasha and Errol Lebowitz
    Lefkoff, Rubin, Gleason, Russo & Williams, P.C.
    Vanessa and Adam Leibowitz
    Jennifer and Scott Leibowitz
    Rebecca and Rabbi Bradley Levenberg 
    Janice and Steven Levetan
    Elaine and David Levine
    Meryl and Richard Levitt
    Betsy and Michael Levy
    Staci and Joel Libowsky
    Andrea and Andrew Lipman
    Charles Lipman
    Cheryl and Michael Lipton
    Sharon Brothman
    Tamara and Brian Mand
    Barrie and Paul Mandel
    Caroline and David Mann
    Helaine and Lisa Mark
    Charlotte and Joel Marks
    Beth and Michael Marks
    Sherry and Steven Marks
    Deborah and Glenn Maron
    Wendy Marx
    Melissa and Darryl Maslia
    Lucille Maslia
    Lisa and Bradley May
    Mayson Food Products, Inc.
    MBD Properties
    Allison and William Medof
    Dana and David Meline
    Karen and Richard Mendelsohn
    Jolynn and Stephen Merlin
    Sara and Stuart Meyers
    Michael B Seligson DDS PC
    Denise and Neal Miller
    Michelle and Jonathan Mittleman
    Belinda Morris
    Erica and Darryl Moss
    Sally Murphy
    Raina and Benjamin Nadler
    Lori and Jonathan Nash
    Jody and Eric Nathan
    Robyn and Steven Naturman
    Bonnie and Neil Negrin
    Carol Nemo
    Nhora Abril and Kenneth Neufeld
    Lisanne and Paul Nozick
    Carolyn Oppenheimer and Richard Lenner
    Lori Simon and Stephen Oppenheimer
    Sanford Orkin
    Cynthia and Mark Overbye
    Lynn and Mario Oves
    Alexandra and Michael Palgon
    Gail and Stephen Palte
    Linda and Marc Parmet
    Elana Zimand and Simcha Pearl
    Melissa and Jason Perlmutter
    Carol and Randall Pillsbury-Winkler
    Sally and Alan Pinsker
    Lois and Norman Plotkin
    Lynn Podber
    Helene and Mark Popowski
    Eileen and David Price
    R-DEX Systems, Inc.
    Lisa Galanti and Hal Rabinowitz
    Lydia and Paul Rabinowitz
    Kathleen and David Ragals
    Amy and Jay Rein
    Nelly Mizrahi and Leslie Retter
    Tracy and Bradley Reznik
    Barbara and Bruce Ribner
    Esther and Daniel Richman
    Emma Rinzler
    Rachel and Jay Robins
    Alyza and Kevin Rodgers
    Rosenberg 2006 Family Trust
    Amy Rosenberg
    Dulcy and Herbert Rosenberg
    Dana and Michael Rosenberg
    Robin and Albert Rosenthal
    Brooke and Rabbi Laurence Rosenthal
    Louise and Edwin Rothberg
    Leslie and Robert Rothberg
    Stacey and Mark Rothberg
    Megan Rothberg
    Lindsay and Brian Rothstein
    Rachel Rothstein
    Rubin Lublin, LLC
    Carol and Joseph Rubin
    Nina Rubin
    Rhonda and David Rusnak
    Jacqueline and Harvey Sacks
    Susan and Rabbi Neil Sandler
    Abbe and Jeff Sands
    Debbie and Meir Sasson
    Shelly and Brian Satisky
    Diane and Rabbi Scott Saulson 
    Jodi and David Schiff
    Gladys and Robert Schussel
    Marcia and Michael Schwarz
    Beth and Jonathan Seidel
    Selig Enterprises, Inc
    Cheryl and Stanton Shapiro
    Faith and Howard Shatzman
    Sandi and Cary Sherman
    Rebecca and Nir Shimoni Stoil
    Louise Short and Joel Axler 
    Joanie and Lewis Shubin
    Mona Shuman
    Helaine and Michael Shuster
    Siegel Insurance Inc
    Lisa and Gary Siegel
    Suzanne and Donald Silverman 
    Casey and Kevin Simonoff
    Cheryl and Paul Simonoff
    Eileen and Eric Singer
    Lauren and Steven Skor
    Jennifer and Miles Slutzky
    Kerri and Jeffrey Snow
    Kerry and Marvin and Solomiany
    Sherri and Morris Soriano
    Ellen and Philip Spandorfer
    Jill and Craig Spector
    Tamar and Mark Stern
    Judiy and Gary Stolovitz
    Brian Stoltz
    Jill and Laurence Stoumen
    Lauren and Hilton Sturisky
    Barbara and Wayne Suway
    Yael and Peter Swerdlow
    Michelle Swislow
    Amy and Jeffrey Swygert
    Pat and James Taratoot
    Susan and Stanley Tenenbaum
    Yvette and Harris Tessler
    Vivian and Robert Thompson
    Chery Hecht and Leonard Thurschwell
    Roni and Arthur Tillem
    Jess and David Tillem
    Token Holdings, Inc.
    Lisa and Evan Toporek
    UMC Real Estate, LLC
    Pamela and Adam Vexler
    Andrea and Neill Videlefsky
    Renee and Searle Videlefsky
    Sari and Daniel Wachtel
    Leslie and Fred Wachter
    Jody Steinberg and Roy Wagner
    Beth and Andrew Warner
    Jill and Craig Wasilewsky
    Tonia Sellers and Seth Weissman
    KaLyn Davis and Evan Wetstone
    Sherri and Robert Wildstein
    Frank Wilensky
    Hylda Wilson
    Jeffrey Winston
    Marilynn Winston
    Roslyn and Ronald Winston
    Julie-Anne and Jeremy Wohlberg
    Amy and Brent Wolkin
    Elizabeth and Dennis Wolkin
    Ashley and Roger Woodman
    Elana and Matthew Yoels
    Alison and Allan Zachariah
    Dawn Zachariah
    Alexis and Daniel Zaken
    Helen and David Zalik
    Ellen and Joseph Zarge
    Heather and Jared Zesiger
The Weber School, a Jewish Community high school serving students from all Jewish backgrounds, prepares students for success in college and in life with comprehensive academic and co-curricular programs that inspire student exploration, leadership, and Jewish social consciousness. Many of our programs and academies are unique to Weber and can't be found at any other Atlanta-area high schools.

The Felicia Penzell Weber Jewish Community High School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.